Today I guess I am just wanting to share an article that I hope you will take time to read.
I was reading in my devotions the other day and wanted to share a thought with you. Romans 15:13 says, "I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit." I especially liked this idea that the only way I will overflow with confident hope (according to this verse) is by letting GOD fill me! Not the things I think will make me happy--the things of this world. There is only ONE true hope! I have to be filled with Jesus- and LET HIM fill me!
I am 26 yrs. old and still single. I know to some that is no big deal. But, I am telling you, to the world today, that is WEIRD. To be 100% honest, the world puts so much pressure on girls to find a guy ....because it brings purpose, satisfaction, happiness, etc. But I don't think it necessarily stops at finding a guy......fill in the blank with whatever it is. The world constantly lies to us ......saying that our beauty, value, worth, and happiness will ONLY be found when we ---fill in the blank--. In other words, I am not beautiful. I am not valuable. I have no worth. I am depressed all the time. Why? Because I don't have that thing that I want. That the world is telling me I have to have. For me it would be.....Because I don't have a guy in my life, have not finished college, and work at Mcdonalds.
However, whatever the world tells us, I can pretty tell you you that GOD is telling you the opposite. And I am going to choose to listen to the VOICE OF TRUTH (reminds me of a song...: ) haha..)
In Sunday School we have been going over the book, "The War Of Words" by Paul David Tripp. I just want to share a brief part of it. (I know this blog is getting kind of long .....I am almost done! I promise!) Ok, here we go...
"If you had to write down your dream for your life , what would you write? What is your "if only," "if I could just have," "if God would just give me....then I would be happy"? Maybe a better way to ask the question is, What kind of Messiah do you want Jesus to be in your life?
It is so easy to buy into the lie that life can be found in human acceptance, possessions, and position. It is so easy to have your life controlled by dreams of success in your career. It is easy to believe that nothing satisfies like romantic love.
Whose dream do you bring before him??
= ) I thought that was really good. And when I think about how short this life is, none of that stuff matters to me anymore. It is SO easy for me to get caught up in my dream of happiness (which is usually something the world tells me I have to have). Friend, NONE of it will EVER satisfy.
Thanks for letting me share my heart with you! I would love to know your thoughts if you want to leave a comment.