Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Promise

Just wanted to share this article I found on Young Ladies Christian Fellowship blog. Very helpful to anyone.....not just singles! Everything God does is for MY GOOD! As crazy as it may seem. I know I can trust Him. He is my faithful FATHER and friend.

The Promise

by Elisabeth Allen

May I be honest?

“The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth” is that—take a deep breath—the pain of singleness is real…deep…persistent.

I hate to admit it, but when I was in my teens, I whined about singleness. I wanted to marry “my childhood sweetheart.” I didn’t, actually, have such a guy in my life. I wanted to marry right out of school. I didn’t, obviously, considering that I’m writing this article! And way back then, it was tough dealing with frustrated desires of the heart and I whined—at my Jesus, to my parents and my friends, in my diary.

Now—in my mid-twenties—I try hard not to whine! (I want to stress that fact!) But it’s still tough dealing with frustrated desires of the heart.

Really tough.

Really, really, really tough.

Like I said, the pain is real…deep…persistent.

I’m surprised at how real it is. It’s not “just” a sense of emotional yearning, it’s a physical pain. It’s so deep (and personal), it’s hard to express. And it’s so persistent, it’s hard to forget.

When a friend starts dating or courting or, more often in my circle of friends, gets married or has a baby (or another baby), I’m so happy for her, but not-so-happy for little ol’ ME!

I was just looking at the pictures of one of my dearest friends and her young man at a ball. They are the cutest couple ever. I’m so totally, ridiculously happy for her I couldn’t stop smiling the whole time I was looking at the pictures! But…the whole time I was looking at the pictures, I was thinking about MY as-yet-unknown young man—wondering who he is and where he is at this moment…wanting him at my side…missing him in my heart. Moments like these—the news that a young couple have fallen in love, the sight of an old couple holding hands, the chance to cuddle a baby (not my own)—bring tears to my eyes.

And I wonder…why?

I don’t know why God allows the pain of singleness. The pain seems so pointless. But there’s more to singleness than the pain in my heart.

In Philippians 1:6, Paul says, “For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.” I love this verse. I feel as if God has a LOT to do to perfect in me “a good work”—the good work of conforming me to the image of my Jesus. In Romans 8:29, Paul says, “For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His son…” How wonderful is it that God has predestined me to become conformed to the image of His Son—my Jesus. In Philippians 2:13 Paul says, “For it is God who is at work in you both to will and to work for His good pleasure.” And in Romans 8:28 Paul says, “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”

Do you see?

Do you understand?

The pain of singleness is one of the things that God uses to perfect the good work He has begun in me and to conform me to the image of my Jesus.

He uses the pain for good.

He uses the tears for good.

He uses the soul-ache for good.

He uses them to conform me to the image of the One who knows and loves me best—who knows the pain and understands the tears. I promise. More to the point, He promises. He’s making you like Him and He’s using the pain of singleness to transform you, so you are radiant with Him.

But He doesn’t just promise to transform you; He promises something even more wonderful:

I am with you always, even to the end of the age. (Matthew 28:20)

Almost two thousand years after He uttered those words, do you believe the promise? It was made by your Jesus. Believe it—believe Him.

When the pain of singleness is overwhelming and feels pointless (not to mention endless!), remember that your Jesus is with you in the midst of the singleness. In the midst of the pain. In the midst of the ups and downs–joys and sorrows–of your life.

The pain is real.

But the promise is real, too. Your Jesus is with you … always. Forever. (The end)

I thought that was a good article....And here is a video that I think goes along with this post:

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Depression Article

Check this article out from Randy Alcorn's blog. It helped me tonight.....

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Write Your Own Psalm

Write your own Psalm. I think this is a really great idea.

And if you want...feel free to share it by commenting! I haven't written one yet but I really want to.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Shocking article

I ran across something today that blew me away. To be honest, it actually made me upset. I will share the article with you and let you decide for yourself. But it was very disheartening to me. I guess because it said "The Christianity Today Blog For Women" I would have expected a different viewpoint--a Biblical one. I think this article sends a dangerous message to singles. And according to the comments people made, I am not the only feeling a bit shocked.

As one person commented:In regards to the post that someone wrote claiming that if you are single it is because you are not spiritually mature, I think that is a destructive thing to say and leaves many single women feeling spiritually broken.

And another commented: Once again Christianitytoday has become the spirit for all things liberal but not all things based on GOD and his word. I read this article because the title popped out at me, but I have to say it is dipped in a little bit of bitterness.....Sorry as a single women I will wait on GOD I will not take the matter into my own hands. This article does not come from GOD or his word it just modern day thinking for a church world not steeped in scripture.

I would love your thoughts/comments on the article because I really didn't know what to think. Here is the link to the article: http://blog.christianitytoday.com/women/2009/07/julia_duin_the_anna_syndrome.html

Friday, January 22, 2010

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Set Apart 2010 Girls Conference

This is going to be an AMAZING conference. Leslie Ludy is an EXCELLENT, Biblically sound author, speaker, amongst many other things.
This conference is for pre-teen girls all the way through college aged girls.
To read what Leslie Ludy has to say about the conference,

Here is a video about the conference....(I really wish I could go...it sounds AMAZING!
I am going to be praying about it! Because right now, I don't have the money.
It is very cheap though $199 including meals and lodging!)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Monday, January 18, 2010

Where He leads me I will Follow

A couple verses I would like to share. James 1:27 "Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress", Matthew 25:40 "The King will reply, I tell the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."

These verses have been on my mind and heart the last month. Everyday I go into work, I keep thinking there is something more. For now, I know this is where I am supposed to be and only the Lord knows what tomorrow holds. However, I can hear the Lord telling me THERE IS MORE. And it is exciting. I Corinthians 2:9 describes it well, "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him."

I would love your prayers as God continues to lead my life and burden my heart in the direction He would have me go.

"Where He leads me I will follow, Where He leads me I will follow, Where He leads me I will follow, I'll go with Him, with Him, all the way"

A girl named Anna wrote a song when she was 12 (she is 13). She went on a missions trip to Haiti with her parents and visited orphanages. Since then, she has a heart for the people of Haiti. If you want to make a donation (of at least $15) it will all go to help the victims of the earthquake in Haiti. Also, she will send you a copy of her CD. Here is the website. www.annafromtheheart.com Her goal is to raise money to build an orphan village. However, due to the recent disaster.....for now, the money is going to help with the relief effort.

Friday, January 15, 2010


Make sure to PAUSE the music that is playing. The player is at the VERY BOTTOM of my blog (scroll ALL the way down)! And then
check out this video on worship...

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Word Of Life

Some pictures from "Word Of Life tonight....

Our church has a children's program on Wednesday nights called "Word Of Life". It really is an excellent ministry. I love it! My mom and I lead music (and I usually play my guitar....which is a LOT of fun) and there is also time for a Bible lesson, personal training (or discipleship time) in small groups, game time, etc. There is a big emphasis on Quiet times (devotions throughout the wk.), memorizing verses, christian service, reading books, etc.

God has given me a huge burden for kids and youth. I love working with them. There is something about it.....if I am having a bad day, the instant I get around kids....it brings a smile to my face and makes me laugh. Often, they give me a hug or make me laugh just when I need it most. It is true that children are a gift from the Lord. I praise God for the children I am able to touch with the love of Jesus and I am blessed beyond measure in return.

Monday, January 11, 2010

True Satisfaction

Today I guess I am just wanting to share an article that I hope you will take time to read.

I was reading in my devotions the other day and wanted to share a thought with you. Romans 15:13 says, "I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit." I especially liked this idea that the only way I will overflow with confident hope (according to this verse) is by letting GOD fill me! Not the things I think will make me happy--the things of this world. There is only ONE true hope! I have to be filled with Jesus- and LET HIM fill me!

I am 26 yrs. old and still single. I know to some that is no big deal. But, I am telling you, to the world today, that is WEIRD. To be 100% honest, the world puts so much pressure on girls to find a guy ....because it brings purpose, satisfaction, happiness, etc. But I don't think it necessarily stops at finding a guy......fill in the blank with whatever it is. The world constantly lies to us ......saying that our beauty, value, worth, and happiness will ONLY be found when we ---fill in the blank--. In other words, I am not beautiful. I am not valuable. I have no worth. I am depressed all the time. Why? Because I don't have that thing that I want. That the world is telling me I have to have. For me it would be.....Because I don't have a guy in my life, have not finished college, and work at Mcdonalds.

However, whatever the world tells us, I can pretty tell you you that GOD is telling you the opposite. And I am going to choose to listen to the VOICE OF TRUTH (reminds me of a song...: ) haha..)

In Sunday School we have been going over the book, "The War Of Words" by Paul David Tripp. I just want to share a brief part of it. (I know this blog is getting kind of long .....I am almost done! I promise!) Ok, here we go...

"If you had to write down your dream for your life , what would you write? What is your "if only," "if I could just have," "if God would just give me....then I would be happy"? Maybe a better way to ask the question is, What kind of Messiah do you want Jesus to be in your life?

It is so easy to buy into the lie that life can be found in human acceptance, possessions, and position. It is so easy to have your life controlled by dreams of success in your career. It is easy to believe that nothing satisfies like romantic love.

Whose dream do you bring before him??

= ) I thought that was really good. And when I think about how short this life is, none of that stuff matters to me anymore. It is SO easy for me to get caught up in my dream of happiness (which is usually something the world tells me I have to have). Friend, NONE of it will EVER satisfy.

Thanks for letting me share my heart with you! I would love to know your thoughts if you want to leave a comment.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Forsaking All

I would recommend the book "Sacred Singleness" by Leslie Ludy to any Christian. I have been challenged and encouraged to live this "Set Apart" life she speaks of and that Christ calls us to.

A few thoughts from the first chapter:

There would be plenty of Christian voices in my life that would shout with indignation that such a sacrifice was completely unnecessary and extreme. but they did the same to Mary when she poured out her valuable perfume upon Jesus. Mary did not have the understanding or approval of others, but she had the smile of her King. And I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt which one I would rather have.

But the amazing thing about all of these painful-yet-rewarding decisions is that I did not have to "become strong enough" to live them out on my own. I found that as I leaned upon the strong arm of my Bridegroom and trusted in His power, He enabled me to live according to His pattern and gave me strength to make difficult choices I never would have been able to make on my own.

That season of surrender was the foundation of everything I have now. When I laid everything down at the feet of my King, that's when I discovered the beauty and romance of the Christ-life. The moment I died to self's agenda was the moment I truly began to live for the first time.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Jesus calls me His Princess!

Jesus calls me His princess!

Solomon 6:3 "I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine."

The Lord has been teaching me a lot as I walk with Him through this journey we call life. And it really is a journey. It is my hope and prayer that you will be encouraged through this blog to:
  • Fall more in love with our Beloved Prince, Jesus Christ. (Luke 10:27)
  • Die to self (John 3:30, Galatians 5:24)
  • Surrender your life to His perfect plan (Jeremiah 29:11, Proverbs 3:5-6)
Here is a video that I think has a very life changing message.....will you let HIM be your All in All?? (Make sure you pause the music player at the bottom of my blog, before playing this video....)


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